Inland West Mission Center

Legislative Session

This year our Mission Center Conference is graciously hosted by the Whitehall, Montana congregation. Please see the Conference Schedule for a list of times and locations of individual sessions. 

Mission Center Conference Downloads

Zoom information

We are thrilled to welcome Apostle Robin Linkhart as our guest minister, guiding us through this important time together. Robin K. Linkhart is a member of the Council of Twelve Apostles, the lead missionary quorum of Community of Christ. She is assigned to the North Central USA Mission Field. She also oversees Seeker ministries.

2024 Mission cENTER cONFERENCE

Whitehall Congregation

If you wish to be a World Conference delegate, please let Michelle Phillips ( or Sandy Decker ( know, and they will add you to the list for consideration.

The 2025 World Conference is especially significant as we will vote on the call of Stassi Cramm as prophet president and address other major leadership changes and important issues. Each mission center is allocated a certain number of delegates based on its size. The Inland West Mission Center has 37 delegate spots available. Only confirmed members can serve in this capacity. While anyone can attend the conference, only delegates can vote. You don’t have to attend the Mission Center Conference to be a World Conference delegate.

Join in Worship & Fellowship 

After September 13

  • $50 per person
  • $30 per child ages 5-12
  • Free for children under 5

88 First Rd

Whitehall, MT 59759

Early Bird - Before September 13

  • $40 per person
  • $20 per child ages 5-12
  • Free for children under 5

Guest Minister: Robin Linkhart


A delegate at the Mission Center Conference plays a crucial role in representing their congregation during the legislative session on Saturday afternoon. Delegates are responsible for voting on important matters like the mission center budget, the appointments of mission center staff, and the selection of delegates for the upcoming World Conference. Each congregation is allocated a certain number of delegates based on its size, and only confirmed members can serve in this capacity. While anyone can attend the conference, only delegates can vote. 

Inland West Mission Center congregations should hold a business meeting to elect their Mission Center delegates. Please contact your pastor for any questions. 

Join us this fall in Whitehall, Montana, for a weekend of fellowship, worship, and community building as we explore our theme, "Awakening to OUR Future." Our theme invites us to opening ourselves to prophetic imagination and realized hope as disciples, a community of faith, and citizens of our planet Earth. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of shaping our future.

Can't join us in person for Mission Center Conference? No problem!

We invite you to join our Zoom sessions and still be part of this special weekend of worship, fellowship, and community. Thanks to Brianna Potts and her dedication to Digital Church Ministry, we're able to bring our conference to you wherever you are. 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 821 6057 0822
Passcode: 270632
By Phone: 253-205-0468 or 253-215-8782

Sessions available via Zoom:

  • Saturday Morning Opening Worship 9:00 am
  • Saturday Legislative Session 1:30 pm
  • Saturday Plenary Session 4:00 pm
  • Sunday Morning Closing Worship 10:30 am 

Mission Center Delegates

Becoming a delegate for conference

Mission Center Conference Registration

“Awakening to Our Future” Opening ourselves to prophetic imagination and realized hope as disciples, a community of faith, and citizens of our planet Earth.

From President Veazy
“Scripture testifies that all creation waits with eager longing for peaceful humanity to appear on the world stage to turn the tide of hate, agony, and destruction.” 

1 John 3:2 “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.”

Romans 8:19(20) “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God, …in hope..”

405 W. Legion Aveune 

Whitehall, MT, 59759


Legion Center

World Conference Delegates


There is one hotel in Whitehall, the Jefferson Inn. There is not a group discount or block of rooms reserved. 

You may consider getting a hotel in Butte, which is about a half hour drive from Whitehall.  


There are also several private properties available for rent on 
